Let’s take it as a given that your wedding day is going to be a little stressful. Having said that, there are 3 easy things you can do to have a stress-free wedding and love your day.
Do a First Look.
The old adage says that it is bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony. This superstition dates to the time when marriages were arranged and, frankly, were more of a business transaction between families than the romance we think of today. The bride was hidden and veiled so the groom did not see her until the last possible moment and therefore less likely to back out and bring shame to the bride’s family. What a lovely sentiment.
Marriage today is a much different animal. Today, we choose a spouse that is our strongest ally, our partner, the one safe harbor we want in a storm. Well then, what better way to calm your nerves than by starting the day in the arms of that safe harbor?
There is something to be said for that moment when the bride starts down the aisle and the couple sees each other for the first time in all their wedding finery. Gosh, maybe it’s just me but I would rather this be a personal moment than a spectacle for the guests.
Professional wedding photographers are very good at setting the stage for just this moment. Talk to your photographer about doing a first look. You get the moment; they get the shots then leave you alone. Now, the two of you get to approach this day together. Sounds just about perfect.
Eat Something.
This is a biggy that too often gets swept away in the madness of the day. There are a couple of things to consider. First, I know you took great pains to hire a fabulous caterer and plan the perfect menu but chances are there will be too many things going on for you to really sit back and enjoy a leisurely meal. Sorry but it’s true. Second, there is probably going to be alcohol involved and you will most definitely want something on your stomach first.
So here is the plan, you need to have wonderful nibbles around whenever you can.
Have someone bring food to the groom’s room and the bridal suite. Nothing heavy or messy just time appropriate finger foods. Bagels, Danish and fruit if it’s morning or cut sandwiches at lunch. Just something easy and available to nibble while you get ready. Even if you are feeling a touch queasy from nerves, a few crackers can work wonders.
Next is cocktail hour. Yes, you planned amazing appetizers for your guests but *News Flash* you won’t be anywhere near them. The purpose of the cocktail hour is to entertain your guests while you are off having photographs taken. Be sure you arrange with your caterer to have a mini buffet of all those lovely appetizers set up where ever your photographer is going to be taking the portraits. Have them also provide beverages, including lots of bottled water so you stay hydrated.
By the time you make your grand exit, you are still probably going to be starving. That is why most every caterer I have ever worked with provides a beautifully packaged to-go box of that amazing meal you worked so hard to plan. Sit back, relax and enjoy it!
Let it Go.
A modern wedding has a million moving parts and probably even more tiny details that you have worried over for months on end. You want to know the truth, you are the only one that knows all those details, so if one or two go missing no one will notice but you.
What they will notice is your hissy fit if the signature cocktail is the wrong shade of pink. Let it go.
In the end, the only thing that is important is that you, your fiancé and the officiant are at the same place at pretty much the same time. The End. Everything else is just window dressing. This is a once in a lifetime day, don’t let something as small as the wrong shade of pink ruin it for you.
A wedding is a celebration of the love between two people. Never forget that. Enjoy this day and make beautiful memories, not drama. By following these three simple bits of advice from an old pro you will end up loving your stress-free wedding day.